Organic App Notifications

Table of Contents


Digital Turbine’s Organic App Notification API is an HTTP interface used to notify Digital Turbine of applications a user has installed.  Digital Turbine uses this information in order to optimize ad serving by not showing an ad to a user if a notification has been received for a given application.


A notification can be sent to the tracking API either from the Android or iOS applications upon installation on a device or from an advertiser’s servers after the the install event.

  • The service is called using the HTTP GET method with a few identifying parameters passed through.
  • An install event can be sent to Digital Turbine by sending a request to the environment URL listed below.
  • The Digital Turbine Organic App Notification API will respond with an HTTP 200.  If a 200 code is not received, then the notification can be resent at a later time.

Production Environment:[]&aaid=[AAID]&idfa=[IDFA]


Request Parameters

In order to accurately record conversions, install tracking requires the referrer to be submitted in the request.  The more data sent with the install tracking request, the greater distribution Digital Turbine can provide an advertiser.






For Android this is the application’s package name. For iOS this is the applicaion's Bundle ID.  (i.e. 


aaidAndroid Advertising ID. MoreYes
idfaIdentifier For Advertisers on iOSYes

Note: All parameters should be passed unhashed.