Quality Events - S2S


Digital Turbine’s Quality Event Tracking API is a HTTP interface used to track in-app events such as second or more opens, registrations, in-app purchases, and other events from acquired users.  This information is used by Digital Turbine in order to drive higher user quality for an advertisers campaigns running through Digital Turbine's distribution channels.


  • The API is intended for post install data, not install events.  See Conversion Tracking - S2S document for details on sending install events.

  • All user events can be sent to Digital Turbine using the 'event' end point at http://data.appia.com/v2/user/event





referrerThe Digital Turbine Click ID passed in the click event URL.Yes

Used to track advertiser tracking platform. Common partners are

Direct Client integrations or Custom Partners should use "DC"

eventSet to "open", "purchase", "registration", "level", "tutorial", "completion", "session", or "search".Yes

eventVar is intended to accompany an event in order to add detail to the event.  For example,

  • Purchase: event=purchase&eventVar=1.99
  • Level: event=level&eventVar=1
  • Tutorial: event=tutorial&eventVar=1
  • Completion: event=completion&eventVar=tutorial
  • Session: event=session&eventVar=255  (where 255 is the session duration in seconds)
  • Search: event=search&eventVar=keyword

Events do not require an eventVar and some events may not make sense to pass this value, like open or registration.



Android Package Name or iOS Bundle IDNo
timestampUnix time stamp of the eventNo
aaidAndroid Advertising ID. MoreNo
idfaApple IFA identifierNo
openUdidRaw Open UDIDNo
userIdUsername of a registered userNo
deviceIpIP Address of users deviceNo


Device brand like Apple, Samsung, LG, MotorolaNo
deviceModelDevice model like iPad, iPhone, Nexus 7No


Device carrier name like Verizon, Vodafone, ATTNo
countryCodeTwo character ISO country code like US, GB, AUNo
languageTwo character ISO language code like en, es, deNo
ageUsers ageNo
birthdayUsers date of birth, eg: 1980-01-01No
genderUsers gender, "M" or "F"No
latUsers last known latitudeNo
lonUsers last known longitudeNo


Example purchase event: http://data.appia.com/v2/user/event?referrer=APPIA1234879238793247&source=ATA&event=purchase&eventVar=1.99&appId=com.my.app