AD-X Post Install Event Integration

Setting up postbacks to Ad-Networks

Campaign Setup > App Postbacks


In 'App Post-back' you can decide which networks you want AD-X to send an API call to on attributed conversions. This is used to help Digital Turbine optimise your campaigns..

Network List


To start sending postbacks for an app, first ensure that the bundleid is set to play (PlayIcon.png).

Next drag the network across to the bundleid of the app. For finding networks more quickly, you can type the network name into the filter at the top. Dragging the network onto the app for the first time enables the download postback for that network's default trigger. In most cases, this is 'Last click (click id)'.

'Last click' here relates to the fact that we attribute the download to the network that scored the most recent click. 'Click id' here relates to the type of postback. Triggers containing the description '(click id)' relate to postback URLs which utilise a unique click ID for attribution, while triggers tagged as '(device id)' relate to postback URLs which rely solely on device IDs (such as IDFA, Android ID etc).

Please see below for information on enabling different triggers, including in-app events, and sending all traffic to a network.


Adding post-install event postbacks, + editing and deleting postbacks


Clicking on the Appia network will display the individual postbacks enabled under that Appia for that app. These can be edited using the Edit trigger button (EditTrigger.png), or deleted using the Delete button on the far right (DeleteTrigger.png)

Additional postbacks can also be enabled here using the 'New Trigger' button, e.g. for downstream events such as purchase, completion, session or search. For any events other than Install, Sale and Signup, select 'Custom Event' and subsequently select the custom event name from the drop down list.

Enabling all install traffic postbacks is achieved by selecting the 'All downloads (device id)' trigger. Equally, all event traffic can be sent for each event specifically by utilising the 'Sale (All Events)', 'Signup (All Events)' or 'Custom (All Events)' triggers. Please check with the Digital Turbine to confirm the event are supported triggers before enabling them..

Please note that the 'Override URL' field should always be left blank unless you have confirmed an exception with the AD-X team.